Thursday, August 15, 2002

Pariah adventure

The proposal needed more work, mainly just expanding certain sections. I hope to have it done and sent on Friday. The title is now "A Tangled Web".

Dead Sea Murder updates

I'm pleased to see that the Terra Incognita home page has Dead Sea Murder, including a picture of the cover, right at the top next to a picture of the Terra Incognita source book. I don't know the current sales figures, but there are now 5 'customers who bought this product also bought...' comment on the product page for Dead Sea Murder at

Wednesday, August 14, 2002

PSI Emergency Chapter

I completed another chapter in the slowly progressing first draft of PSI Emergency. An unexpected twist popped up in the short chapter, but it will lead right into the ending, which is turning out to be a big bang of a surprise!

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Pariah Proposal Finished

I'm done with the proposal. I'm letting it 'cool' for a day or two before polishing and e-mailing it in to Rogue Publishing.

After this, unless something I've already got submitted gets accepted, I think I'll let roleplaying game material rest for a while. I need to finish some fiction work, namely the final polish of Complimentary Murder and finishing the first draft of PSI Emergency. After that I feel the genre shift coming on again, this time toward fantasy, which is where I started. My very first completed novel manuscript is called Guild Rebellion and it is collecting dust in my closet. Maybe someday I will pull it out and do a hack and slash revision/rewrite on it, for my freshman effort is far from publishable in its current state.

Monday, August 12, 2002

Pariah Progress

The sample chapter "The Adventure Begins" is written. I've had a few false starts on the introduction.

On a seperate note, an idea for a fantasy trilogy has sprung forth in my mind and I am dying to write it... Maybe when I get done with some of these other projects I'll try writing it.