Saturday, August 07, 2004

Romance and Stuff

Because of the steamy love scene I wrote a few days ago, now All Night Long will either go to Medical Romance or to Sillouette Desire. Still, 50-55K words.

Making slow but steady progress on Psionics Insitutes today.

So far, there are only 3 stories up on the Writer's Idol competition. I hope there will be more soon. The deadline is tonight. It won't be much of a competition with only 3 stories!

Friday, August 06, 2004


I didn't get anything done on my writing yesterday. I hate personal trauma. It gets in the way of fictional drama, which I greatly prefer.

I am way ahead on my read-a-thon. This is still the week for 'c' books in the alphabet. I'm mid-way through my 'g' book already.

Unfortunately, that progress doesn't really help my writing career very much.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Reseach Mostly Done

My research for the next few section of Psionics Institutes is mostly done. I have a whole book on Merc campaigns, which I am saving to do only when I get to the Merc section.

I'm very pumped to get writing full force.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004


I managed to write about 200 hundred more words on Psionics Institutes so far today.

Dream Lover

Last night I had such a sensual dream that I had to write it down this morning in the form of a love scene between my characters in my romance All Night Long. Steamy! And about 600 words.

I also managed about 200 words in Psionics Institutes. I've managed to quite a lot of the research done on this as well.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

While I'm Thinking About It

I checked into Harlequin's guidelines and both Medical Romance and Silhouette Romance have 50,000-55,000 words and I can gear the story to fit into both lines, and that way if one rejects it, I have the other as a back-up.

I'll be dropping the Fantasy Flight submission in the mail after I get off work this afternoon.

Back to Work

I submitted my story for this week's Writer Idol contest at Evolution. Now it is back to Psionics Institutes. I've decided to do all the research for the rest of the sections in the chapter I am working on, rather than researching each section individually. I'm ready to write on one sections, since there isn't much on it in the source books I have available.

I definately want to get this chapter done this month, and hopefully have a dent made in the next chapter. There are only 2 major chapters, plus the introduction which is already completed and 2 character templates.

Monday, August 02, 2004


Since I have not heard from Fantasy Flight Games about the sample I sent them 9 months ago nor from the follow-up query I e-mailed 4 months ago, I have decided to send them a paper version of the original submission.

I've got it all ready to go for the next time I am out near the post office.

Crap on a Cracker

I just found out that Harlequin is not publishing Flipside anymore. That is where I was planning to send "All Night Long." I'm only in Chapter 2 so I can change the focus. I could try for Medical Romance again, or one of the other lines.


I also just found out that the disk with my short stories on it has become corrupted. All gone!!!!!

Poop, again!