Thursday, December 18, 2003


I just finished Chapter 1 of "Who left the Body in the Garden?". I have about 2500 words of the final goal of 20,000 words, so I am already about 13% completed with the novella. I have decided to lean the story toward a theme that can run through 4 novellas, so they could possibly be smooshed into a full length novel someday.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Sent Message

I just sent a message to the editor of SJ Games' Traveller line. I just wanted to check in with him in case he had sent me a message and I hadn't received it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Finally Some Headway

I finally made some progress on "Who Left the Body in the Garden?". I figure I need about 100 pages to reach my goal of 20,000 words. I have 5 pages done just today. I am going back to work on it in a moment. My person goal is 5-10 pages a day. That will make the completion date in 10-20 days.

My characters are a delight to work with now. I don't have to prod them with a stick to make them do something, they just take off, which makes my job as a writer much easier.

Reworked Plot

I had to rework the plot for "Who Left the Body in the Garden?" The characters were looking at each other, not moving or talking and at a loss for what to do next. Then I realised my problem. I was trying to write about a normal family, a stay-at-home mom and her children, which I know nothing about. I change the characters to three single sisters with quirky jobs and outlooks, and now I am good to go.

Sunday, December 14, 2003


I've finally decided what to work on next. Until or unless I receive notice from one of the publishers that a proposal has been accepted I will first complete the short mystery "Who Left the Body in the Garden?" for submission to In Audio. Then I will complete PSI EMERGENCY, a novel I have had on the back burner for a while. And then write a conspiracy novel for consideration by Invisible College.

That should keep me busy for a while.