Thursday, May 12, 2005


That's me typing.

I typed in the changes for C and C's Chapter 9 and the last handwritten parts for Chapter 3 of Her Dangerous Promise.

I am going to check my plot outline before I continue to write Chapter 3 of HDP.

I've gotten my writing motivation back, after having lost it for a while. I'm not going to waste this energy!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Movie Time

My neice and nephews are all interested in doing another short film this summer. I am debating some ideas to do.

In the mean time, I have a few stories bouncing around my head I am going to have to write them down before I forget them! At least an outline, anyway.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I'm submitting the synopsis and first three chapters to agent Elizabeth English. I've printed it out and just need to drop it in the mail.

I typed in the changed for Chapter 8 of C and C. That brings me up to 155 pages typed in. I'm going to try and get these final changes typed in over the next few weeks.


Venus Press sent me a confirmation e-mail letting me know they received my submission. So, now the waiting begins.

I have decided to finally finish entering in the last set of revisions on Crystals and Corpses. I am going to get back on the submission wagon. :)

Monday, May 09, 2005

There It Goes Again

I just submitted "Always" to the next publisher on my list. I hope it fairs better with Venus Press than it did with Changeling Press.

I figured out how to process my files now without the agony I had to endure last time to try and get it into a readable format.

Venus Press says they usually respond in 120 days on novels. I am hoping it will be sooner with my short story.