Saturday, August 21, 2004

Psi Emergency

I'm polishing/ editing PSI Emergency this weekend. It is about 70k words already, so I am pleased with the length. I am giving myself this weekend to work on it while I try to distract myself from having to go to court on monday over my husband's ex-wife's nonsense...again.

After Monday... It is back to Psionics Institutes. NO EXCUSES!

Friday, August 20, 2004

Writing Hiatus

I probably won't be able to do much writing until Tuesday. The personal trauma I have been dealing with will be coming to a head on Monday.

I am so frustrated, that I can barely focus on anything. I need a vacation!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Thank Goddess!

I am done with the revisions of Complimentary Murder! Oh, happy day! I still have to type in those changes, but I am not in a hurry to do that unless I get an acceptance from an agent.


I finally got through Chapter 14's revisions. It was a long chapter that needed a lot of help.

I'm in the home stretch now, though. I hope the finish this off today. Personal trauma interfered with my writing yesterday. I did manage to pick a handful of agents to approach for this mystery, though. I'll feel better when I start getting those submissions out.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


I'm mid way through chapter 14 of 18 now. I hope to finish this up today!

Thursday, I'll start sending queries!

I can't wait. I REALLY think it is good enough this time!

Monday, August 16, 2004

Aspen, Here I Come...

At least I hope so. I am getting ready to submit Levitation to their short film festival. We'll see what happens.

Polish Week Hold Over

I got so much done over POLISH WEEK, that I decided to keep going and finish Complimentary Murder over the next few days. I'm up to Chapter 12 of 18, and 18 is only a few pages long. Then I can get to mailing queries later this week!

I also finished my J book for the read-a-thon. I'm making good time on that challenge.