Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Head Way At Last

I'm making some headway at last. I've managed 3 pages so for today (about 750 words) on Psionics Institutes. With the two pages from yesterday, this (hoped for) 8 page sub-section is shaping up.

I also started jotting notes for a romance to write over Nano in November. It'll be a 55,000 word sweet romance. I've jotted enough notes for a three book series, if the first one gets picked up.


I submitted two queries to agents regarding Complimentary Murder, now renamed Crystals and Corpses. Fingers crossed!

I am still making progress on Psionics Institutes, but I'm writing long hand and not tracking my words much anymore. I'm just going all out in hopes of having it done by the end of this month!