Saturday, January 19, 2002

Chapter 22 done

I'm not overly pleased with this chapter. It came out more passive than I had intended. It lacked the sense of change.

The word count was only 750. If I can puzzle out changes I'd like to make I will try and shape up this sagging chapter.

527 words... chapter 22, so far. The chapter feels rushed, but I'll leave what I have until the rewrite. I'm not sure how much I can add, since the dialogue scene takes place in the car and there is not much action.

Friday, January 18, 2002


I had submitted a short story called "A Case of Sticky Fingers" to American Girl on 12/6/01. Today I got a form letter rejection.


Tuesday, January 15, 2002

Revisiting the outline

The outline for the next couple of chapters had to be revised, which I just did. Several of the main characters are together during these chapters and my original plan to have Cameron be my POV character went down the tubes with some new directions the plot has taken. I also had to figure out where my new character would fit in. I finally named him Sean.

Chapter 21 done!

It only ran 436 words. Most of the chapters from the bad guy's POV are short. However, with this little bit I have now reached the 3/8th mark! Yeah!

Chapter 21 started

Only 207 words so far. I'm finally getting into some back-story, but I don't want it to get too long-winded or give away too much.

Sunday, January 13, 2002

Chapter 23 done!

I'd like to crank out several more chapters quickly. All these events are supposed to be taking place at the same time and I want it to feel like that.

266 words in Chapter 23

The storyline which is left hanging in Chapter 20, continues in Chapter 23. I'm going to see if I can't get this chapter done tonight too, so the story is seamless.

Chapter 20 done!

This chapter came out way cooler than I thought it would. This new character, who I have not even revealed his name yet, is so cool. I think he'll be becoming more important to the plot, too. I already know what I want him to do.

My word total is now 24,610, with 115 pages. Only about 1600 more words to reach the 3/8th mark!

Gosh this guy is good!

My unexpected character has just stolen the scene and swept me and my character off our feet. The 425 words so far have flown and I can't wait to see what happens next. I don't want to let this character's intensity to ease up.

232 words

After surfing a few Lord of the Rings websites, I managed to calm down enough to write again. I managed 232 words in Chapter 20 so far, painting a nice scenic setting. An unexpected bit character has just shown up and I have a feeling he is going to become important. I just don't know how he is going to fit into the plot.