Thursday, April 20, 2006

Surviving and Thriving

I survived my three tests, and I know I have As on two of them and either an A or B on the other one. Man, I can't wait to be done with school.

I just mailed off the contract to Venus Press for Riding Dennis yesterday. I filled out and returned the cover art form today. I think they will publish it very soon, based on the encouragement the editor gave in her e-mail asking me to send in the forms quickly.

So, now that school is under control for a minute, I can get back to editing Chapter 9 in Her Dangerous Promise. I have only managed to cover 1 1/2 pages in that chapter so far.

I am also getting high speed internet in a week. (Cool beans!) and I am thinking of doing a podcast about romance (writing them, reading them and market updates)