Saturday, June 15, 2002

No word from deep space

No word from White Wolf, or Avalon for that matter. I'll stop dwelling on it until there is news. I'm kind of worried about the Changeling submission because I thought I sent it to my 'send' e-mail folder as well as to White Wolf, but it is not in the send folder. Maybe I just forgot to click that button.

Blogger is poopy about letting images on this site, so if you want to see the image of the cover (without the title and author put on it yet) you can click here. No word about how the playtest this evening went yet.

I've been thinking a lot about the novel chapter I wrote for White Wolf. I really liked it and I think it has the potential as a paranormal romance. I think I'll start toying with an outline while I am working on PSI Emergency. Once I have the current novel done, I'd like to start the romance (unless another project is accepted by a publisher and I have something else to work on.)